So...we have Pluto symbolizing a deep soul focus for you in this lifetime, with the probability you’ll need to experience some extremes as part of the journey. Enabling you to become more empowered, whole, fulfilled, and create the most significant impact on those close to you and society. We have Mars showing the ways you’ll take action, Venus symbolizing your inner vibration and what energies you need to attract, along with the Nodes of the Moon showing how you are comfortable expressing yourself and (potentially) new ways that are brand spanking new.
Enter the 1st planet (or dwarf planet if you prefer) beyond Pluto in the Kuiper Belt. Eris was first spotted in 2003 near its aphelion (furthest distance from the sun) in the sign of Aries and named in the fall of 2006. It will remain in Aries until 2048. Its orbit extends way beyond Pluto’s (image below) and takes 556 years to complete a cycle. Its glyph (below) is fittingly a combo of Pluto, Mars, and Venus and is said to be the cousin of Pluto and sister of Mars.
Eris was named after the Greek goddess of strife and discord, but it goes way beyond this simple label. I feel us finding Mars’ sister is symbolic of rediscovering lost parts of ourselves, aligning with natural processes, and rebalancing our masculine and feminine. In my article about Pluto, I mentioned how it could symbolize experiencing extremes, followed by an “event” that brings you back to your center. Here, we have the same concept representing the collective. We’ve experienced what it’s like to be part of a predominantly patriarchal society and have come to the point where those scales have tipped as far out as Eris’ orbit ;).
As you see, the orbit of Eris meets that of Neptune and Pluto. Neptune symbolizes the connection to higher dimensions (higher self) and energies of the collective. Pluto, the individual soul focus. That said, getting back to our collective center happens through each of us plugging into that Neptune energy and working through our shadow selves.
“I [Eris] help to bring justice and equality to all, but from the inside. I wake people up by making them realize that none of us are whole until all of us are whole.”
“I bring discord and chaos, for that is how I communicate my messages. And it is through this, that I am able to inspire change.”
— Channeled message from Eris,
Everyone has Eris in whichever house Aries falls in your chart (unless you were born before 1927). Depending on the house system, Aries may span into two houses. If that is the case, it would require a deeper look to determine which house Eris falls. The house and aspects that it makes will provide details on your feminine warrior expression (not gender-specific). It will show where you will do some serious scorpionic type work, shining a spotlight on the unconscious, removing distortions, limiting beliefs, and processing through any trauma. Saying “no” without the need for explanation to anything or anyone that is trying to block, suppress, undermine, use, abuse, or limit your unique expression. Those causing these conditions will have an opportunity to face their own inner work and make a positive shift as a by-product of others around them removing their energy.
Those carrying a strong Eris signature in their chart are groundbreakers for change. They can see where it’s needed and aren’t afraid to call it out—shining a light on things within society and others that need to be transformed to become more conscious and whole. Mars energy may create “chaos and conflict” driven by fear or vulnerability; Eris will use it when required to maintain balance.
Let’s say you show up at your parents’ house for the holidays. Everyone is sitting around the dinner table, and you share with everyone how excited you are about launching your own business—designing, making, and selling snowboards. You’ve been snowboarding for a long time and became friends with someone who enjoys making the boards. Your excitement is off the charts. Your mom shoots you a look and says, “That is just ridiculous. There is no way you’ll ever be able to make a living from doing that. You need to get your priorities straight!”. Eris has entered the room.
Your news triggers your mom, and your mom’s response triggers you. Buried underneath this heated moment is a golden opportunity to shift consciousness. Maybe this is a typical response from mom when you venture into new things, and you are used to just “taking the hit” and moving on. These will continue as a way of creating change. Let’s say you allow that comment to go at the dinner table, but the Eris inside you has decided that is enough. You allow yourself to come back to a calm place later in the week and reconvene with mom. You explain how her words impacted you and how you are no longer going to put yourself in that situation. If mom is open, maybe she'll be willing to question and do the work to understand why seeing you go for your dreams is triggering her. Or maybe she thinks what you’re saying is ridiculous and doesn’t understand where you’re coming from. “It’s not about me. You need to be rational and stop these pipe dreams!” In this case, you can create distance in this relationship. By removing yourself from her influence, you are honoring yourself and allowing mom the opportunity to do her own self-reflection. This may not be easy, but that is part of the deal with Eris. This removal of yourself may kick up feelings of guilt or continued attempts by mom to smooth things over. Know that standing your ground and keeping your distance until mom is ready to acknowledge and work through her shadow is the highest expression of love that can be expressed for yourself and mom.
Another way Eris can show up is by those considered trailblazers or activists. “I see something wrong or out of balance, and I’m going to step in.” On a personal level, it could show up as another pointing out something about yourself that you were unaware of. “Hey, I know you've been feeling bad about yourself because you’ve put on some weight. I've noticed you've been eating more fast foods lately, and your energy levels are low. Is there something going on? Maybe you respond with, “Mind your own business, I’m going to eat what I want!” Not quite willing to explore the deeper meaning yet. Or maybe that causes you to think and want to explore why you are eating unhealthily. If the former was your response, you could bet Eris will provide more opportunities to switch to the latter.
Eris is not ok with accepting the status quo or conforming to restrictive rules. It understands that change is required in order to exist and thrive in this reality. It will create a path when one isn't available that fits. It understands that everything and everyone are connected, that we must cooperate and connect with nature, follow intuition, and reclaim any parts of ourselves that have been buried, denied, or damaged.
Eris is here to call out our shadows and pave the way for a world of connection, collaboration, and partnership.
All the best,