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Mars through the signs

Writer's picture: Keith BarrettKeith Barrett

Updated: Mar 29, 2022

You can locate the sign your Mars is in here…. What's My Mars Sign? | Cafe Astrology .com

Below are the core energies associated with the Mars placement in each sign. Many other factors color or contribute to how these are experienced. Take, for instance, your natal Mars is conjunct (right next to) or opposing Saturn. That may mute, delay or restrict the energy expression. Or maybe your Mars is square (90° away from) Venus, meaning there could be tension in relationships to navigate. Or maybe Mars is trine Neptune which could offer a blurring, blending, or spiritual slant.


The beginning of the zodiac and one of the home bases for Mars. Aries is cardinal/fire/yang. Initiating action... projected energy. This one is pretty straightforward. You need to blaze your trail. Requiring absolute freedom. The house, sign, and aspects will give details on the where and how. Anything that begins to impede your progress or constrict…watch out. The Ram's headbutt exerts a force of ~800lbs ;). Many athletes have Mars in Aries. The innate ability to act and react quickly. Strong physical body and a wellspring of energy.

A strong and consistent sex drive. Intense sensations and a need for freedom and diversity.

The evolution here is uncovering and removing anything that may be preventing full expression or refinement of that expression. That quest for balancing the scales is symbolized by the polarity energy of Libra. Aligning with the higher self, intuition, and following bodily cues. Understanding the reason and impact on self and others of your actions.


Similar to Mars Rx, this placement turns that Mars energy inward. Taurus is fixed/earth/yin. Receptive and grounded. The desire to establish self-reliance and your own set of values. Flooding your reality with whatever it is that feeds you energetically. Separating and creating distance from the things that don't resonate. Progressively establishing your value system as you go through life.

Sexual energy will be an essential vehicle to higher consciousness. Your energy is magnetic and attractive. Self-stimulation and power dynamics can be part of this experience of self-discovery. Think of heading to the club, packed with all those beautiful people and having a strong desire to take them all home. With your magnetism, it probably won't be too hard ;)

The progression here is taking these experiences and progressively establishing a clear sense of values while allowing others in. Embracing Scorpio energy. The desire to go beyond the surface level. Full authenticity. You are questioning and understanding why you do what you do. Sexually, progressing to a place where this energy moves from the superficial (you're hot, so let's do this!) towards consciously connecting with others on a soul level.


Ahhh… the one who loves conversation, new ideas, and learning through your own and other people's experiences. Gemini is mutable/air/yang. Change, adaptability, variety, and communication are the name of the game here. Whether that is the scenery, people, environment, thoughts, ideas, or beliefs. In my article Pluto in the 3rd house, I talked about a constant spiral of experience that consolidates in the center at specific points in time. "I used to believe that it was important to watch the 6 o'clock news, but now, I realize that's not such a good idea." or "I thought I understood all there was to know about the law of attraction, but I listened to this podcast, and there is more!"

Sexually, very curious. The desire to learn and understand all different ways of expressing this energy. Stimulated by thoughts and observation of the sexual act.

The evolution is to funnel your energy progressively. Embracing Sagittarius. Moving from taking in many experiences, perspectives, and opinions to defining your truth provides peace of mind and a solid container for all experiences. Sexually, releasing mental engagement and surrendering fully to bodily sensations/feelings. Connecting with others on a spiritual level.


This Mars energy is aiming right at your emotional wellbeing. Cancer is cardinal/water/yin. Initiating, emotional and receptive. Experiences aimed to understand the depth of your emotions. The soul desire to navigate towards full emotional security within. Some will innately carry this expression and be a nurturing guide for others, but most have signed up to experience and navigate imbalance, beginning in childhood. Similar dynamics can repeat in adulthood. If this is your placement, you can read my article on Pluto in the 4th. These same dynamics may be familiar to you. This territory could bring about experiences such as abuse, dominance, manipulation, or abandonment. If this is the case, it will be important to understand the purpose for you in these exchanges. Getting to a place of acceptance, understanding, and compassion for the role others have played in your life. Once there is integration... there is an energetic shift. Welcome to the new you ;)

Sexually, maybe you are afraid to be vulnerable, become possessive, domineering, or jealous or attract that towards yourself? Once the childhood dynamics that have triggered these expressions/experiences are understood and transformed, you will be emotionally and sexually vulnerable with another.

Embracing the polarity energy of Capricorn is the intent. Becoming aware of the deeper meaning and reasons for your thoughts/actions. Continually gaining emotional maturity. Assisting others to access their own emotional wellbeing. Becoming tremendously supportive, nurturing, and healing for those around you.


It's essential for you to keep your sun shining. If anything begins blocking your rays, you'll notice an energy dip, and tension will build until whatever is in the way is moved! Leo is fixed/fire/yang. "I know the direction I need to head in and I'm going" ;). This placement is similar to Aries. You need to do you, but you also need to be recognized for doing you. Anything that sparks your interest creatively, go! Having Mars here could be an indicator that you've experienced the other end of the spectrum in other lifetimes. Part of an environment where you may have felt disempowered in some way. Aspects to Mars, the placement of Aries and your sun will provide some more details around how and in what areas this needs to be expressed.

Sexually…intense, deep, and passionate. A vibration that attracts others who appreciate and are feed themselves through your intensity.

The evolution here is embracing Aquarian energy. Navigating to the right outlet for your creativity and passion. Aligning with the higher self. Listening, collaborating, and assisting those close to you or society in actualizing their own creativity. Through your actions, being a model for others on how to shine their own inner light.


The name of the game here is purification. Virgo is mutable/earth/yin. Energy focused on self-improvement, stability, and adaptability. I have a need to be grounded and stable but know change (sometimes major) is part of the deal. I just would like to know all the details of those changes ;) Here, you will be engaging in experiences that will progressively help you realize, adjust or remove anything, not in alignment with the core of who you really are. Do you maintain a pretty consistent focus on things that you feel are "wrong" with yourself, others, the environment, or the world in general? That's your gift. Your intent is to dial it in and funnel it towards where your soul intends. Some with this signature may have signed up for experiences that bring disillusionment, crisis, guilt, obligation, confusion, depression, superiority/inferiority, and solitude. Yes…these are all difficult experiences to go through, but they are all part of your alchemy and purpose. It will be super important to deeply care for yourself, especially through these times, the same as you would for another. On the other side, is complete fulfillment and wholeness. Good chance you'll be a healer for others who have experienced similar circumstances.

Sexually, some may choose celibacy or lean towards an obsession with sexual experiences. Maybe you find yourself pleasing another at the exclusion or your own needs? You can be drawn to sexual imagery or overlay sexual fantasies when with another.

So…. you're wanting to embrace Pisces energy. Expanding awareness & consciousness, "going with the flow", connecting with your higher self/spirit guides, and being able to pull back from hyper-focus. When you feel yourself struggling to figure something out or feel tension in your body, that's a tap from your higher self to peel back. If you've experienced feelings of guilt, being able to understand the nature of why (maybe seeded from other lifetimes or formed from limiting beliefs?) and shifting that energy. Accepting/embracing imperfections in yourself and others. Sexually, connecting spiritually. Balanced energy exchange. Fully engaging in the experience.


It's all about relationships! That's how you want to understand yourself. Exposure to other lifestyles, points of view, and environments. Libra is cardinal/air/yang. Maybe when you walk into that party, you're striking up conversations with as many people as you can. If they are wearing something unique or talking about something you're not familiar with, you're in! I like that, I don't like that, that makes me feel weird, that's exciting, why did they say that?, I can't believe they reacted like that, get away from me! etc. Progressively building a storehouse of information, appreciation, and acceptance for the many realities shown to you by others. You carry an inner vibration that will naturally attract others because they feel seen and heard. You are acutely "tuned in" to the needs and desires of others.

The need for sexual diversity. Expanding consciousness through sexual energy exchanges with others. Many of the relationships you engage in may have a sexual overtone that may or may not be acted upon. Having encounters that are brief in duration. Those one-night stands with a note on the coffee table in the morning ;). Engaging in multiple relationships. The ability to sync energy with another and satisfy their needs.

The energy to embrace is Aries. Tapping into your own needs and desires. Being able to look yourself in the mirror and ask… "What do you want?" and then taking action without reservation. Remaining true to your own needs and desires. Setting proper boundaries. Full transparency with others on your desires and intent. Sexually, tapping into bodily cues on when and who to engage with (i.e., I'm attracted to them but when I get close, I notice a slight sinking feeling in my stomach). Defining your own needs and transparency (calling out that one night stand upfront so the note isn't needed ;). This shift naturally attracts others who are as sensitive as yourself and balanced energy exchanges.


Aside from Aries, Mars is also the traditional ruler of Scorpio, so it's home here. Pluto is the modern ruler. So… action aimed at many experiences centered around power dynamics and personal transformation.

Simply…. you want to know why. Scorpio is fixed/water/yin. When I think of Scorpio, I picture jumping in a submarine and exploring the ocean depths…down there where the titanic is hanging out. Fixated on what's under the surface. Show me the roots! Why do I do what I do? Why do others do what they do? Why am I feeling these emotions? Why this fear and control? Why this rage/anger? What are relationship dynamics with others showing me? Similar to Virgo, there is a calling in of intense experiences in order to purify. Getting to the essence of yourself and the innate ability to penetrate to the core of others.

Sexual expression is a major vehicle for self-discovery and inner alignment. For this purpose, there is an inner emotional intensity that is alluring. Exploring many different ways of expressing this energy, possibly using it as a vehicle to feel powerful. Maybe experiencing things like controlling behavior, jealousy, fear, and abandonment in relationships.

The evolution is Taurus energy. As these experiences are lived, understood, and integrated, continually build an unshakeable internal foundation. Aligning ego with the higher self. Surround yourself with environments, people, and situations that are supportive and balanced. Being able to plumb to the depths of situations, dynamics, emotions, and others through direct experience. Becoming vulnerable. Mastery of yourself and this reality. Sexually, progressively removing the need for multiple partners/experiences. Total physical, emotional and spiritual merging with another.


A couple of things quickly jump to mind with this one… 1. The Knight of Wands is associated with Sagittarius in the tarot. You're jumping on that horse and heading off to whatever experience is calling your soul. 2. The song Wild Child by Kenny Chesney.

This is mutable/fire/yang. Here, there is adaptability and lightness. A desire for constant adventure in order to understand existence. Rather than focusing on verifiable facts and details, having the life you live be your teacher. Being light and enjoying what comes your way. The underlying desire for full transparency within yourself and others. Something common here would be knowing/feeling the truth that would be tough to language. Maybe hearing… "but how do you know?" to which you respond… "I just know". Developing your truth while acknowledging and accepting the personal truth of others.

Sexually, mutable/fire/yang ;) A passionate and intense inner vibration. The ability to heal sexual imbalance in others. Understanding the essential role sexual energy plays in feeding passion, creativity, and renewal. Not wanting to conform to societal constructs. The desire to know the sexual history/reality of others.

Gemini energy is the evolutionary path. Attracting others that may help language what you know and feel. Accepting the perspective and story of others. Temperance (the other tarot card associated with Sag). Moving from swiftly heading in new directions to allowing time and intuition to lead the way. Being a guide or mentor for others to uncover their own truth.


Action towards freeing yourself from any restrictions. The image I get here is walking into a deep dark cave with a flashlight, turning a corner, and finding a locked treasure chest. This symbol can indicate other lifetimes (and this one) where you were part of environments and people that prevented you from being you. The expression here is cardinal/earth/yin. Initiating, grounded, and receptive. The sea goat is the symbol of Capricorn and speaks to dedication, and focused effort. When you decide to do something, its heads down, and off you go. Forgetting to eat or sleep may be familiar to you.

Religious conditioning, having parents/caregivers that have been emotionally/sexually repressed or imposed restrictive rules can be part of the experience. Hence, we have the old lock on your treasure chest. A pressure cooker experience. Underneath that cool, calm, collected exterior is a ton of feelings, emotions, and desires wanting to burst free. Why do I feel this way? If I act on this, what will others think of me? …which can lead to repression, concealment, and distortion. Remember that time when you punched a hole through the wall and wondered where the heck that came from ;)

Sexually, a similar theme of conditioned repression. Part of the experience until the repression is removed is attracting others who have similar sexual distortion or repression. There is a highly sexual being underneath that stoic exterior.

Cancer is the polarity energy. Breaking the lock off and going deep into all of your emotions, needs, and desires. Feeling free to be vulnerable and open. Transforming your self-image. Creating an environment and attracting others who support all of who you are. The ability to deeply value and "see" another and provide emotional support. Sexual energy will be a big part of this transformation. Acknowledging, fully opening up, and using this energy is a vital part of your soul's expression.


Here we have the sign associated with the ringed planet that's sideways. "My clothes are homemade; I've made my own cups out of plant leaves and spend 6 months out of the year living off-grid." …or something like that ;)

Detachment is an underlying theme. Dropping into this reality and using it to define your own unique expression. Removing or creating distance from many people/environments. Progressively noticing that those around you aren't at the same frequency. It's like trying to jam a square peg in a round hole. This is the territory of rebellion and quick changes. Experiment with many different ways of expressing yourself. Maybe living in the city for a year or so and waking up one morning and saying "f' it", I'm moving to the forest. Having the innate ability to help others become "unstuck". A trailblazer and visionary.

Sexually… it's all on the table. … the floor… the ceiling… the couch… the street… the park. If you can think it up, it's a possibility here. All different attractions and ways of expressing sexual energy. The show 'sister wives' comes to mind here ;) This can also indicate the other end of the spectrum where the door is pretty much closed to sexual experiences. Maybe other lifetimes where the former was the deal, hence the desire to reign it in a bit. Maybe periods of both expressions in this lifetime.

Embracing Leo energy is the evolution. Be really comfortable with your own unique expression. Removing any desire to compare yourself with others. Navigating to the right environment and people where you feel 100% free to be you and are recognized. Assisting those close to you or society to break free from any blocks to their own unique expression. Sexually, the ability to unlock desire within others. The blending of sexual energy to unlock creativity and full self-expression.


Into the deep abyss we go! Looking to unearth, experience, and transcend any desires that have not been realized at a soul level from other lifetimes. Looking to "wrap things up". Pisces is mutable/water/yin. Fluid, emotional and receptive. There is a deep, vast, ever-changing ocean going on inside. Dreamy and imaginative. Having strong visions/feelings that seem super real in terms of interactions with people, certain events, or situations. Possibly stuff that when you tell others about, they look at you and say… "Huh? Have you lost your mind!?" Here, there is a visceral experience that is outside space and time. These 3D rules, regulations, structures, and details are hard to reconcile. With this mode of carrying out your soul's intent, it's way more inviting and comfortable to operate in your feelings and visions.

Part of the experience here can be swimming so far out into that ocean that you turn around and realize there is no land in sight. "Oh, crap! How the heck do I get back?". Things like following those feelings/visions and realizing it didn't quite turn out the way you thought or finding comfort in mind-altering substances. Maybe feelings like this 3D world/people are conspiring against you, causing a triggered response to "push back". Another experience possible here is feeling guilt. This can be from situations in this or other lifetimes where you needed to move away from people/situations/conditioning that were restrictive or didn't allow you to shine. Passive/aggressive responses may be the default mode. Think of feeling obligated to people/situations and "doing what you feel you need to do" even though it's energetically draining. Feeling anger (but keeping it bottled up) or finding ways to avoid without direct confrontation.

Sexually, the same theme of "wrapping up". Any desires that weren't experienced in other lifetimes are meant to be felt or realized. Think of having intense attractions to others and sexually fantasizing or actually having it play out. These fantasies can take on many forms. If this is your placement, you're probably aware of how these have played out for you ;)

The polarity energy to embrace is Virgo. Purification and discernment. Evolving towards a balanced trinity between your connection to higher self/guides, visions/feelings/fantasies, and this 3D reality. Understanding the visions/feelings you have can be your connection to astral energies which won't always manifest in this reality. Realizing that people/circumstances that are impactful or upending are helping you define personal boundaries and pointing the way back towards land. Transforming any feelings of guilt (from this or other lifetimes). Full transparency, feeling empowered to speak your truth, and taking action that is right for you while understanding that adjustments or removal of yourself from people/environments are benefitting all involved. Even if these transitions are difficult to experience. Fully aligned with your intuition/bodily cues on when and when not to take action. Sexually, going through the wrapping up phase and navigating to connection with another on a deeply spiritual level. Feeling the essence of source energy through sexual exchange and expanding consciousness.

All the best, Keith

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