*You can find out what house Pluto is in for you by visiting....free-horoscope.com
"Visionary, thinking outside the box, objectivity, removal of that which is limiting, redefining what exists, the innate ability to understand group dynamics and needs, sudden changes"
Here, we have the energy associated with the disseminating phase in Astrology. Social acceptance, setting the example for others and preparing to release what no longer serves. I'll give an example of this phase using the Sun/Moon relationship. If there was a new moon (sun and moon conjunct) in the sign of Aries, when the moon reached 225° away from the Sun, it would enter this phase. Whatever was seeded during that new moon that had an Aries quality (initiating something new or taking action), would be making waves through the ocean of society (scale being relative).
So, if your natal Pluto is here, chances are you have thoughts, ideas, ways of living…etc. that have the capacity to cast aside consensus structures or reality. Possibly planting seeds or setting a foundation for changes that are ahead of their time. Some will be working towards ways to best disseminate this uniqueness into the current structure of society. Maybe joining, creating or observing group dynamics in order to understand how to integrate.
Many will experience power dynamics within groups and associations. Think of overidentifying with the ideas/beliefs of a group to where you lose your own or bouncing around from group to group and always feeling like you don't belong. Hearing things like "...that will never work", "...we can't do that", "...that's crazy!" "...what!!??" or maybe just blank stares when you offer your perspective. Leaving groups on your own accord or the groups casting you aside in some way.
The 11th house is associated with the planets Saturn and Uranus. Both carry very different energies. Saturn is the more traditional and structured energy. "This is how we operate and aren't really open to changing it." Uranus is more "Let's blow stuff up!" Thinking outside the box. Erratic, sudden and reality shifting. The individual responses to this placement can be either Saturnian, Uranian, or a combo. Other chart signifiers would give clues as to the response.
Let's walk through some scenarios on how this energy can be experienced…
Let's say you’re a financial advisor that supports many companies and are part of a group that meets on regular basis to socialize, brainstorm, collaborate and think of ways to generate revenue. This group includes a lot of powerful people who you look up to and couldn't imagine not having them as part of your life. You have worked hard to get here, and from an outsider's point of view, you are a model of how to live the good life.
Within this group, many are super focused on profits, some are always eager to plan the next social event and sometimes ideas are offered to generate more business that "bend the rules". You offer your opinions/perspective from time to time but they either fall flat or are simply dismissed. You don't agree with the rule bending and feel that authenticity and doing things that benefit all involved will naturally generate profits. You hold a degree of conflict within. However, the desire to "fit in" along with the comfort and familiarity of this group stays at the forefront. The thoughts and ideas you have stay as just that. This would be a Saturn/Uranus combo response.
If this resonates, the evolutionary path is to 1. Experience this conflict (check ;)) and 2. Uncover the cause (childhood conditioning, limiting beliefs…etc.), process, integrate and transform. Shifting your energy to where you feel completely free to authentically express yourself, take action on what feels right and form relationships with those that support you. Releasing dependence on the group mind or any limiting beliefs that say, "this is just the way things are, so I will accept".
Or maybe…
"I know you get frustrated with having to keep going to the bank to get money. Have you thought about getting a debit card? You won't have to carry cash and no more old school withdrawal slips and waiting for a bank teller to get your money."
"No way. I have no idea how they work and don't trust them. I'll never own one. I'm fine with the way I do it."
"Ok...well…what about getting a cell phone? I know you don't like coming home to voicemails. You can keep it by your side, program it with everyone's number and take it with you when you go out."
"No way! That technology stuff is for the birds. I want nothing to do with it."
"I know you would rather a bigger place, have you thought about checking out places in betterville where you like to walk around and go shopping?"
"Nope. I want no part of moving. I'm ok with the way things are".
Although you're not feeling fulfilled, keeping things as they are wins out. A full Saturnian response ;) Embodying the fixed quality of Aquarius (the associated sign with this house).
If this resonates, the evolution here is again to 1. Experience self-imposed limitation and constriction (check;)) and 2. Uncover the cause (childhood conditioning, limiting beliefs, trauma…etc.), process, integrate and transcend. Shifting your energy to be more open and unattached. Remaining curious and open to new ways of thinking and doing so you can continue expanding. There is a lot of unique ideas, thoughts and creativity within.
Another manifestation of this energy is total removal of any people, beliefs, thought patterns, conditioning, situations…etc. that don't align with your unique self-expression. This can happen on your own accord or through external events that navigate you towards this path. Being an innovator and visionary. A group of one or partnering with others who resonate with unique perspectives. Taking bits and pieces from existing concepts/structures/teachings and creating something completely new and revolutionary. I think of people like Albert Einstein and Nikola Tesla. Full Uranian response. Expanding what's believed to be possible. I also think of consultant type roles with this placement. Hired to observe group dynamics, provide observations and guidance that improves and innovates.
The polarity energy to embrace here is 5th house/Leo. Identifying, accepting and stepping fully into your own unique expression. Equal energy exchanges and collaboration with those that are supportive. Being able to take thoughts/ideas and action them in a way that makes an impact on those close to you and/or society.
Refer to the article here on Pluto generational descriptions to find which you are a member of to learn what mode of operation you've chosen for this lifetime. As always, there are many other factors that play into how this energy is experienced individually. If this resonates and would like to learn more, you can order a 'Soul Map' report here or schedule a session with me here.
Some people you may know with Pluto in their 11th house....
Albert Einstein
Vincent van Gogh
Woody Allen
Paul Simon
All the best,
Keith Barrett