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Uranus - Breaking some pots?

Writer's picture: Keith BarrettKeith Barrett

When most of us are born, memories of our prior lives are wiped clean. It’s like hitting the old reset button to experience this life anew. If you noticed, I did say most. Some can access this information and begin recalling and reciting as soon as their development allows. For others, it can surface at a later stage of life… spontaneously, through dreams, a spiritual awakening, meditation, or a soul calling to access past life memories (think hypnotherapy). This access depends on the soul’s intent for this lifetime and the individual soul’s age and wisdom previously gained. For instance, an “old soul” carries a boatload of experience and knowledge, so there is no longer a need to forget who they are to have unique experiences. Often, these individuals help raise consciousness for others, which requires them to bring all of themselves forward.

We all have this “long-term memory” that impacts how we perceive, present, and navigate this lifetime. In Astrology, that is symbolized by Uranus. We’ve collected gifts, skills, abilities, conditioned beliefs, societal/ancestral patterning, and trauma from other life experiences. Aside from this long-term cache for your soul, Uranus, your 11th house, and any planets in the sign of Aquarius will provide clues on where and in what ways you want to liberate and individuate in this lifetime. Liberate from what? Well, look at where your Saturn is located, the planets and sign on the cusp of your 10th house, and any planets hanging out in Capricorn. Think of Saturn as the pot that holds the tomato plants you purchased at the nursery. Its purpose is to house the soil and water and protect the roots so the plant can get the nutrients it needs to grow and someday provide the tomatoes for your salad. Well, at some point, the plant will need to be transplanted to a bigger pot or the ground so it has more room. Otherwise, those roots will start pushing up against the edges of that pot and become ‘root bound.’ Uranus is the pot breaker. You need to be free! Saturn says…not until it’s time!

To be free, that long-term soul memory may need to come into play. Anything repressed or not adequately understood/processed will need to for your soul’s evolution to continue. There are no skipping steps in the process ;). Maybe just pushing the inevitable down the road a bit. If you have Uranus Rx (retrograde) in your chart, this indicates needing to process past life stuff. Think of experiencing traumatic events that have been repressed and not adequately dealt with. Aside from trauma, you also carry wisdom from past experiences. Think of picking up a book or attending a class and quickly “getting it.” Or a child who picks up a musical instrument and begins playing almost effortlessly. Exposure to information or activities you've mastered in other lifetimes can activate this soul memory.

Uranus is also considered the higher octave of Mercury. When you get “downloads” of information or get visions of how the world can be a better place, that is Uranus territory. It’s also related to technology and the sparks of insight/inspiration that seemingly come from nowhere. Where Mercury will need to define a clear path and verifiable steps regarding how to get from A to Z, Uranus is the shortcut.

Uranus takes a shade over 84 years to complete one trip around the Sun and stays in each sign for about eight years. So, a generation will share the sign your Uranus is in. To start examining and decoding what your Uranus placement may say about your unique past life influences and where you’ll be attempting to liberate yourself…

What sign and house is Uranus in? There can be the experience of reliving prior life themes related to this house, sign, and its ruler (i.e., The Uranus in Scorpio generation will need to redefine/re-live/carry forward unique abilities in terms of blending energies with others, metaphysics, transformation, and psychology.) This will also tell you in what area you want to liberate from convention, have unique ideas, or redefine how that energy is traditionally lived in society.

What type of aspects is Uranus making to other planets?...

1. Trines and Sextiles = Further clarifying areas where you hold innate gifts, skills, and abilities.

2. Squares, oppositions, and inconjuncts = Conditioned beliefs, ancestral/societal conditioning. This energy represents opposition, tension, and the potential need to remove yourself from anything preventing your unique expression.

If you have Uranus Rx, examine any squares/oppositions/inconjuncts to your natal Uranus placement. Can you correlate that to any disproportionate responses you observe to the situation or circumstance? A good example would be someone who has an extreme fear of flying. I recently had a conversation with someone who experienced this and found out while doing a past life regression that they were a pilot in WWII and were shot down. Well, that would explain it! This realization of the root cause was enough to release fear about getting on a commercial flight in a non-war era. In his natal chart, he has Uranus Rx in Libra in the 11th house opposing Chiron in Aries in the 5th, with the Aries ruler of Mars in Gemini in the 7th house opposing Neptune in Sagittarius in the 1st. The 11th house is associated with contributing to a cause. It’s opposing Chiron (the wounded healer) in Aries (war) in the 5th house (self-actualization.) The ruler of Aries (Mars) is in Gemini (WWII..sometimes Astrology symbolism can be that literal!) in the 7th house of relationships and opposing Neptune in his 1st house (him) in Sagittarius (travel, religion, philosophy). Check!

Back to the pot analogy, everyone will have a unique response when their roots start hitting the inside of that pot. The comfort, security, and sense of belonging that the pot provides can be too cozy to want to transplant. This would eventually lead to repression and distortion (root bound) until an event or circumstance happens, which will remove the pot. That may not even occur in this lifetime. Maybe another one while Uranus is Rx! Some will break bits and pieces off one side of the pot, so partial liberation is experienced. Others will understand when it's time to break completely free and follow the prompts, even if it shakes their understanding of safety and security—knowing that the unease of the transition is temporary and will stabilize once the new reality is grounded. Saturn plays the role of divine timing in this case. You may think you're ready for change, but can you allow your intuition to clue you in on the how and when? If the tomato plant is removed from the container too early, it will cause the soil to crumble and fall away from the underdeveloped root ball!

Regarding transits, Pluto (the transformer) dipped its toes into the Uranus-ruled waters of Aquarius for a brief period here in 2023. At the time of this writing, it’s retrograded again, heading back for a final pass over the last few degrees of Saturn-ruled Capricorn for the remainder of the year, where it had been moving through since 2008. In 2024, Pluto will return to Aquarius and remain there until 2044. During this timeframe, pots hanging on through the Pluto through Capricorn transit that have outlived their useful period can be revealed in some form or fashion. Structures (career, relationship, physical, financial, sexual, emotional…etc.) that are part of your reality preventing your evolution will likely be revealed, especially if you have personal planets (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, and Mars) in Aquarius, Leo, Scorpio, or Taurus. Collectively, trauma will come to the surface, people's shadows will (continue) to get projected (for self-knowledge), sparks of insight, technological advances, and new ways of living taking shape.

We’re entering a time when all of us are being asked to come more fully online—a time when we can feel more at home within ourselves and have that honored and supported in society. We’ll need to let the old pots go when we receive those intuitive nudges, knowing that the more aligned we become with our true nature, the more the universe will conspire to support us in ways we could never imagine with our Mercury minds. As Pluto makes its way through Aquarius, a new reality is taking shape. One that accepts and supports all of who we are! Thank you, pot, for providing a perfect container for our growth, but it may be time for us to move on!

Photo by KAL VISUALS on Unsplash

If you’re unfamiliar with your chart or want to learn/discuss how this content relates to your life and experiences, schedule a session with me here or order a pre-recorded reading here. When scheduling a session, just put “Uranus review” in the ‘additional information’ or ‘anything specific’ section when you schedule/purchase.

All the best, Keith


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